Summer is on it’s way!  29er class now is a great time to register!
The summer events are quickly approaching, and so is the first early bird deadline!  Great opportunity to register for two events at the same time.

2017 29er Canadian Championship

June 22-25 2017 (Registration/Check-in June 22, racing June 23-25)

Register Here


2017 29er North American Championships

August 13-17 2017 (Registration/Check-in August 13, racing August 14-17)

Register Here


CORK Welcomes Sailors, Coaches, Officials, Volunteers and Supporters for the 2017 regatta season.

CORK Event Photos available at

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and twitter @CORKKingston

For more information 

CORK Regatta Office: (613)-545-1322
Address: 53 Yonge Street, Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, Kingston Ontario